American Airworks™ PO Box 1000, Sophia, WV 25921-1000 / 1-800-523-7222
Survivair SCBA Accessories
Survivair® SCBA Accessories

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Genuine Survivair® SCBA Accessories from American Airworks™


The Survivair Pathfinder, utilizing Pulse ultrasound technology, consists of an omni-directional transmitter (the Beacon) and a narrowly focused receiver (the Tracker). On a Survivair Panther®, there are two Beacons built into the SCBA—one attached to the COMPASS™ integrated PASS device on the user’s front, and one attached to the back side of the backpack (either with or without an activated DoublePASS™ remote alarm module for COMPASS).

Survivair® Compass

The most advanced NFPA-compliant integrated PASS device on the market, COMPASS features a sensitive motion sensor to minimized false alarms; a bright, multi-colored LED visual display; and dual piezoelectric audible alrms for easy locating in a "man-down" situation.

TwentyTwenty® Headnet

The Survivair headnet is available for both TwentyTwenty (shown at left) and Classic Facepieces. Designed with Nomex, a super form fitting material, the headnet conforms to the head and is comfortable under helmets. The headnet is also quicker to don, with two adjustment straps instead of five. The Classic Facepiece headnet (not shown) is offered in two sizes for small and standard facepieces.

TwentyTwenty® SmallTalk™

Similar to the Classic SmallTalk, except it's made for the TwentyTwenty facepiece; its sleek design minimizes visual interference. It also offers easily accessible controls.

TwentyTwenty® RCS

Designed for the TwentyTwenty facepiece, this RCS includes a microphone inside the nose cup for better transmission, a 70 dB amplified ear speaker, and a Push-to-Talk button and optional remote Push-to-Talk button.

Survivair® Supercharge®

SuperCharge is our rapid cylinder filling system. It features a quick-disconnect Aeroquip® fitting, fills cylinders in as little as 45 seconds, and allows cylinders to be charged while the user is wearing the SCBA. Fill hoses are available in three lengths.

Salvage Master

Designed for quick pick-up and disposal of water, this highly efficient wet vacuum unit is ideal for salvage operations.

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©Copyright Survivair 1999. All Rights Reserved. Created by Survivair® 4/6/99.

American Airworks
Survivair® SCBA Accessories

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American Airworks™ • PO Box 1000, Sophia, WV 25921-1000
1-800-523-7222 • 304-683-4595 • Fax: 304-683-3257

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